On July 8, 2022, Village of Tilton Community came together as Central Illinois's Top Party Band, 90's Daughter took the stage to help raise money for cancer. Despite the rainy day, the event had a three hour window where Thomas Park was packed with people purchasing raffle tickets and making donations, all for one purpose.
The OSF Foundation was the recipient of the $2,500 gift from the Tilton Community. Tilton requested that the funds be used at the Cancer Care Center for their inspiration garden. The inspiration garden is an area of the cancer center which can be seen from the chemo treatment room. This garden is full of wildlife, from birds, to deer, and of course squirls. However, this garden is used for more than just inspiration. Patients, family members, and caregivers have a chance to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere that this amazing space offers.
Prior to 90's Daughter, Centers Oncologist Dr. Jomel S. Labayog, MD gave an opening speech, thanking everyone who was in attendance, his staff that was present and that was unable to make it, as well as the community of Tilton for everything they do. Labayog also noted at the end of his speech that in a joint effort numerous Village Trustees and Community Members have donated over $30,000 to the OSF Cancer Center since 2016.
Trustee Washkowiak said, "The community of Tilton needs to be thanked, without their support and dedication over the last 6 years we would never have reached the amount ($30,000) that we did". Several events have been held over the years in Tilton, including 5ks, Car Shows, Concerts, and more! Trustee Mitchell stated, " The Pandemic really put a pause in our plans over the last few years, however we are excited to reunite our volunteers and help make a lasting difference in all that visit the OSF Cancer Center".
Plans have already started to host a larger Festival next year to help raise more money for the OSF Cancer Center located on the campus of OSF Sacred Heart Medical Center.