Contact Us!
501 Mayfield Avenue
Tilton, IL 61833
From the streets and sidewalks, from new construction to neighborhood cleanups—Public Works is everywhere you look.
Around Tilton, there are many subtle reminders of what Public Works employees do for our Village and for our citizens. There is also plenty of behind-the-scenes work that helps make Tilton the livable, progressive Village it is.
Citizens of Tilton can count on Public Works employees to do their jobs well. Simply put, they make our Village work by tending to our infrastructure needs and improving our surroundings. Public Works employees focus on the safety, cleanliness and smooth function of our streets, buildings and much more.
Potholes or other Street Condition: call 477-0800 and we will fix it or contact you for further information.
Tree Issues: we trim trees and remove unsafe trees in the right of way that could affect the motoring public. Call 477-0800.
Sewer Backup: most sewer backups are blockage in the property sewer. The property sewer extends from the house to the main public line, this portion is maintained by the property owner. There are local companies in the yellow pages that clean sewers. If you think it might be a problem with the public line, call us at 217-477-0800.
Snow Plowing: Major streets are plowed first. Once they are passable, we make one pass in the residential streets and get back to the major streets. When they are clear, we return to the residential streets for their second and subsequent passes. If we missed yours, call 477-0800 so we can schedule it.